Sunday, March 31, 2013


This is our second year homeschooling and even though I miss my alone time, I wouldn’t change it for the world. We use the Classical model of education that emphasizes history. It has been a blessing to be part of such an amazing homeschooling community and also to see what my kids can learn when they are taught amazing things. They know history, from Creation to the present. They can sing it to you in a 12 minute song. They don’t understand the details yet but they can see the pattern; the rise of fall of civilizations. The mistakes made my humans, over and over again. The amazing accomplishments that have taken place by human ingenuity and the blessings of the Creator. I know I do not speak alone when I say that I feel like the world is changing again. Many feel it’s for the worse. Some have predicted ultimately for the better, perhaps a third Great Awakening. I can’t see where we are headed yet but I am surprised at the conversations that have taken place among family, friends, and even strangers. Should we leave the country? Is there anything left to salvage? Is America America without freedom and God? Are we headed for a Civil War? If there is one, do we join?
These ideas cause my mind to wander back in time, not-so-very-long-ago, to the roots of our nation. I have always held a deep respect for the founding fathers but I have gained an even deeper understanding of their situation. I have always assumed that it was easy for them to fight. Easy for them to look at the British superpower and say, “Sure! Let’s grab our muskets and get this done!” I believe it is so important to remember that they had no idea if they would win or not. They didn’t know that if they did win it would create the most glorious and prosperous God-fearing nation that ever existed. They didn’t know how much God would bless America. They didn’t know that it was from sea to shining sea. There were just thirteen colonies. Ordinary people with an extraordinary idea. And they had families and lives, and despite the fact that they were being taxed and controlled, they were ok. I have actually heard that argument used, that France is a socialist state and they are doing “ok”. I’m wondering when “Ok” has become the standard. I assume that in this example, “Ok” means that we are alive, and we have food, and shelter. If this is the case then they can take our freedom and we might be ok. They can force our kids into public schools and we would be ok. They could take our guns and our Bibles and we would be ok. I don’t believe Americans settle for ok. Those courageous young soldiers in the American Revolution certainly didn’t. Without knowing the end result they set off, to fight, to die for an idea. I can see them, at Valley Forge, freezing and starving, wondering if it was worth it. I wonder if they wished to be “ok” again, if only they could go home and forget their crazy idea. Was being oppressed worse than being dead? I think of what these families and men endured so that future generations might be free and it brings tears to my eyes.
Interestingly today is Easter and as I sat in church this morning I was surprised to see the Resurrection story in a whole new way. It is easy to look back at the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and celebrate it. I grew up a Christian, hearing all of the time how “Jesus died for your sins”, and yet it meant almost nothing to me. I heard it so much it hardly had an effect. That is so easy for us today as Christians because we know what happens on the third day. Yeah yeah yeah, he was whipped and crucified, but he rose again! It’s all good. How many times I have thought that, unknowingly! It’s a happy ending so why bother with the details? Well, it might be important to remember that people did not know that He would rise again. What a dark few days that must have felt like! Jesus comes, He heals, you follow Him, and then He’s killed. He was supposed to be their Savior and now He was gone. It would have felt confusing and hopeless. “They were between the Now, and the Not Yet”, as spoken by our Pastor. How many times have we all been there? It doesn’t’ have the be the Revolutionary War for us to think of times when we were in the dark and lost, wondering what in the world God was doing. We can’t see the big picture. We don’t know how the puzzle pieces all fit into place. If we did, how easy would it be to move forward! Although my family has received many blessings, we’ve also gone through more trials than I ever wanted. I frequently wonder why. I have been told on multiple occasions that God needs to use us and that He is getting us ready. Many times I don’t think that it’s worth it. Those times are so dark. God seems so silent. It is that dark place between the Now and the Not Yet. If only I could go back to those American Militia men and smile and tell them, “It’s alright. It’s beautiful, you should see it. Keep fighting.” If only the apostles could have known that Jesus was not saving them from the Romans, He was saving them eternally. It’s alright. He saves us all.
When you find yourself in that dark place, recognize it and take heart. Keep going forward even though you can’t see. He can see, and the Not Yet is coming.

“Behold! I make all things new”  Revelation 21:5

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